As The Everlands Cycle grows, I’m developing quite the collection of bonus scenes and extras. Most are free, and I hope you enjoy them! There’s even more tucked away behind the subscriptions over on my Ream.

But this is a list of the extras that are available, with links to access, in chronological order and with the retail novels included so that you can make sure you time the reading of them correctly!

Note that you may need to sign up to be a follower on Ream or join my newsletters, here, before you can access them.


Des/Liv spicy bonus scene 

An extended version of the first time Des and Liv slept together (I couldn’t let it all sit on the cutting room floor). They are very young in this scene.

Shambullion’s Swordsmans’ School

Des dresses as a man as she and Petrus try to get access to the Swordsmans’ School… and that’s available as a freebie to followers over on Ream (ie., you don’t need to pay for a subscription to access it).

A Hired Blade

The prequel novella – designed to pull your heart out of your chest and stomp on it, if I’m frank. Many of you will have read this as it’s been my reader magnet for a whilte now. Des has a chance to get over Liv, but fate – and useless mercenaries – intervene…. It’s available free on signup to my mailing list, or via any good bookshop.

The Player and The prince

The first chapter of Liv’s novella, as I’m thinking of it – working title “The Player and the Prince” – is available for followers over on the Ream. The next chapters will be Ream-subscribers-only, so if you’ve been wondering what’s going on in Liv’s head, this is an opportunity to see it!

The Blood-Born Dragon 

Book One of the Everlands Cycle – the book that started it all! Winner of Best Debut Novel from the Queer Indie Awards, and finalist for two Goldies, and for the Aurealis Awards.

Des/Elouise spicy bonus scene 

Thks one gives us a glimpse – a brief one – of the comfort Elouise offers Des when she’s falling apart without Squid… It’s part spice, part tease – and hopefully all enjoyable!

The Bridging Scene between Books 1 and 2

Des is a drunk wreck who gets booted out of Scyless. Oops.

The Timeless Legion

Book Two of the Everlands Cycle