
About JC Rycroft

Welcome! I am JC Rycroft, an emerging author of fantasy novels. It’s wonderful to have you stop by!

My work draws on high and epic fantasy tropes, mixed with a dollop of queer romance, humour and wit, flawed but fabulous feminist heroes and diverse-in-all-the-ways characters, liberally sprinkled with philosophical concepts brought to life. I love bringing together the apparent contradictions: high theory and silly humour, profound political concerns with a rollicking good story, and ordinary people with unexpected demands to heroism.

My debut novel, about a dragon and a mortal mercenary, is currently being edited, the second in the same trilogy halfway through being written, and the third outlined. There’s a maybe-standalone, maybe-not novel also in the works.

 This website will let you sign up to my mailing list so you can hear all the juicy goss first, as well as getting access to freebies before they appear here. I’m keen to connect with my audience, too, so make sure you find me on social media as well. 



There’s a trilogy and a couple of novellas on the way, with dragons, sapphics, time-shifting magic, demons, power-hungry sovereigns,  misguided Princes, refugees, volcanos, problematic immortality, and more adventure than you can throw a stick at!